Monday, October 25, 2010

Picture frames and Pillow Stuffing

Each year around this time there are two things you can count on happening, the state fair and the local Junior Leagues shopping Spree!  This year, I actually made it to both!  
The fair was...well, the fair!  Lot's of people watching, animal smelling, deep fried food eating OK time.  I could go into a long rant on how these 3 people (who shall remain nameless) failed to inform the naive northern transplant on proper fair etiquette, thus resulting in multiple BAD food choices for myself...

but I won't!  I'm not bitter, I swear!
 I'm more informed for next year and will eat less of this:
and more of this...
Hands OFF ladies...this one is mine
I had MUCH better luck at the Spree!  Big thanks to my friend Paige who got tickets for me and my MIL and also for giving me a heads up on good stuff to look for!!  Even with an ADORABLE new baby to take care of, Paige always manages to stay up to date on all the new trends...and her blog Lemon Petals help keep me up to date too!  (shameless friend plug)

 SO, one thing she told me to keep an eye out for was super cute fabric picture frame mats.  We did find them, and as I was rummaging through trying to figure out how many to buy my super smart mother in law said to me: "you can make that!"  And I quickly followed up with, "ya know, you're right!!  I can!" 
No time like the present for a challenge, so I made a quick stop at AC Moore to picture up some mats and frames (super cheap, less than $10) and a few hours later had this:

I LOVE them!  I had the fabric left over from the cushions I made for our kitchen bench, so I figure these will go in the kitchen somewhere with wedding pictures...when I get them back from the photographer!

I got ambitious and tried one more small project making a pillow out of a place mat.  I forgot to take a before picture but it was a pretty place mat I got on sale for about $2. I made a small opening in the seam on one end and stuffed it with pillow stuffing and then stitched it closed again!  Viola!  I had a pillow!!
Unfortunately these are the only photo's I have of that pillow...

Somebody with 4 legs and a Grey coat decided he didn't like the pillow.  Doesn't he look pathetic hiding behind the table.  I decided that would be the end of my weekend projects!

Mirror Mirror leaning on the wall

I've kicked it into high gear on home projects the past two weeks and have lots to share!!

First I'll let you in on what the wood from Lowes was for. 
The previous home owners left quite a few "gifts" for us as I've mentioned, but I was determined to make use of one specific item they left behind.  They had a plain piece of mirror glass hanging over the fireplace, no frame, just a large piece of mirror.
Isn't it  pretty...
So I have always wanted a huge floor mirror that you lean against the wall, but they're so darn expensive!!  That is unless you're my friend Jenn who finds a fantastic one for a STEAL at the flea market!  I was quite jealous when she brought that home!  Of course there was a humorous story to go along with it involving a bull mastiff, a jeep wrangler and her determined husband.  Jenn has lots of interesting adventures.  If you want a good chuckle check out her blog for taste of her daily rants 

OK, back to ME!  Long story short, I decided I would build myself a floor length mirror!! 
Here's my progress so far...
I started out thinking I could just use a hammer and nails for  this project...

I quickly realized after about 20 bent nails I would need to break out the screwdriver...either that or buy bigger nails and I had the screws screw it was!

I had to do some cutting as well.  Apparently my measurements at Lowes were not perfect.  Either that or their measuring was wrong!

Hubs was enjoying watching me work...

Grey Dog was enjoying watching as well...and not happy about the fact we wouldn't let him outside!

I worked and worked and it grew and grew...

Finally we let Grey dog out...he proved it was sturdy at least!
Forgot to take a picture of the front before I laid it down back in the house

The mirror will sit in the center cut out surrounded by the pine boards which I plan to beat up a little before I stain the whole thing.
So this is as far as I've gotten on the mirror project...mainly because Bryan has been traveling a lot lately and it's too heavy for me to carry back outside to work on!!  This is why I need a workshop!!!  Maybe someday...

Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Bean beyond the tote

L.L. Bean catalogs were a constant in our house growing up, in fact I'm pretty sure my grandfather was a walking advertisement for the bean! 
Our go to bean staple was always the beloved TOTE BAG!
These days they come in all shapes and colors!

The original!
(I just recently purchase two new ones for myself...uhhh, I mean Bryan and I!  1 large with regular handles with "our" monogram and 1 medium with long handles and my new monogram. I love them!)

The Zip top
Design your own!
I'm thinking Grey Dog and Hubs might like one of these for hunting days!

Of course I also had the standard monogrammed backpack growing up,

(which I'm disappointed to see is no longer available in purple)

however my likes have seldomly gone beyond the tote and backpack...that is until recently!  I am loving what they are doing with their new L.L. Bean Signature collection...and I'm not the only one noticing either!!  Marianne over at Haven and Home blog is finding joy in their new collection as well.
Here are a few things I might add to my wish list:


Find anything new this fall that you like?

All Images L.L. Bean

Monday, October 18, 2010

Weekend Project!

Happy Monday!

I spent some time at Lowes this weekend and got started on my next project!

Here's a little teaser...

Friday, October 15, 2010

Grand Opening

For anybody living in the Raleigh area, the

is finally opening tomorrow!!!!!!!  (At least that's what their website says)  I can barely contain my excitement!  Let the organization begin!!!

Question: How do you know you're getting older?

Answer: You're most looking forward to cleaning and organizing over your weekend.  Oy Veh!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Cider me this and Cider me that!

I don't know about you but I think APPLES when I think fall.  
And not those bitter bright green Granny Smith Apples, I'm talking big RED Delicious apples!!!  The kind you can make cider with!!!

Don't get too excited, I don't actually make my own cider, I just like to drink all the yummy forms it comes in.  Let us count the ways...

Regular Apple Cider all on it's own
Story time!!!  When I was little we used to buy apple cider and homemade cinnamon and white powder sugar donuts from a little market by us named Geiger's (sadly Geigers is closed now).  The donuts came in a plastic bag that they would dump either cinnamon sugar or white powdered sugar in and then shake up to coat the donuts.  Not those nothing donuts that are like eating air, they were thick with donut dough and had crispy edges!  We would buy a gallon of cider and two bags of donuts (1 cinnamon and 1 white powder) and dunk our donuts in the cider. SOoooooooo good!!!  
I was just in New Jersey a week or so ago and Papa Murph and I were craving some Geiger's donuts and cider!  Sadly we couldn't go get them...even sadder Papa Murph thought they were still open =(
I did however find this awesome ad from a 1963 newspaper for Geiger's...I need to frame it and blow it up somehow...

Moving on.  Next up...

Cider Beer

It's beer, with a cider twist!  It's a perfect fall thirst quencher!  Just be careful, don't let it's light tastiness fool you, it tends to be a bit stronger than your typical light beers.  Here's some of my favorites:


Finally...Mulled Spiced Cider

Now, I've never actually made mulled spiced cider before, but I've drank it...and it's divine!  It's perfect for those cooler fall nights...especially if it's a little dreary and rainy out!  Coco & Kelly recently posed a recipe for mulled spiced cider here.  I am waiting for the perfect cold dreary night to test it out...I just need to get my lazy rear end to the grocery store to pick up the right ingredients. Details, details...

 So clearly I'm a bit cider obsessed.  I'm okay with it. 

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I heart Lonny

If you don't know Lonny you need to! 

Lonny is a wonderfully inspiring magazine/blog/website/resource epicenter of everything that is design!!!

  Okay, so my portrayal might be a little over the top, but I LOVE IT!  What started out as a simple online magazine has become a go to for ideas and inspiration for designers all across the country!  If you prefer your reading material in the paper format as opposed to virtual format, you can purchase hard copies of current and eventually past editions.  The price tag is a little hefty at $34 an issue, but it’s for a quality print choc full o’ stimulating information.  If you like interior design, fashion design, architect design etc. etc. you need to read Lonny! I probably get a little TOO excited when each new issue is released.  

Here are some images from the new Oct/Nov issue that have me drooling

 I can't live without a fireplace and would die to have one like this peek-a-boo between two rooms!

 I want a lantern over my dining room table...I need a dining room table first though

 I love a good mix of masculine and feminine taste! The dark wood is so dramatic but the light paint and fabric makes it so inviting!

These green walls make me smile.  I wonder if I could do a green wall in my house somewhere...

 I was just discussing closets with one of my favorite people this morning!  Haley, something like this could probably work for us!! ;)
 Another fantastic surprise was that one of my favorite bloggers, Miss Katie Armour, was also featured in Lonny this month!  She contributed to the holiday gift guide...aaaand now I want a sequin scarf!!

She has great taste that mixes trendy with traditional and classical!  I typically drool over all the beautiful things she blogs about.  If you haven't checked out her blog I highly recommend it!

That's it for today...I'm off to see if a green wall will work somewhere in my house...

Front Door Update

Remember the super cute and versatile wreathe I purchased for our front door…well here’s what it looks like now!

I was looking back at the “after” picture I posted last week and realized something was off.  The wreath was hanging WAY too low.  It was practically in the middle of the door!  Seeing as how I was traveling at the time, it inevitably had to wait a few days.  So upon arriving home I dropped my luggage in the living room (Bryan LOVES when I return from trips) and almost immediately started trying to fix the wreathe.  After all, it was the first thing I noticed when I got home.    Two seconds later, CRASH!

Ahhhhh…it was the perfect ending to my very long week.

(In case you are wondering, as I was attempting to shorten the string hanging from the top, the anchor pulled out of the wreathe, it fell to the floor and I now have two half moons.  I blame shoddy construction)

So, do I try and replace the wreathe or do I add some more hardware…who doesn’t love a knocker??

In the mean time we hit the farmers market this weekend and I did my best to make the rest of the porch look festive! 

Did I mention I love fall!!

(UGG!! Now I notice the stairs needs painting...I sense another project coming!)