Thursday, December 16, 2010

Deck the halls

The Coble household is looking nice and festive!

I finally said goodbye to the dollar store Christmas stockings this year!  

Now I'm just waiting for Bryan Santa to come and fill my stocking!!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Office Pics

I'm no where near done, but I think we can all agree I've made leaps and bounds!!!
I can't believe I'm actually going to show pictures of the disaster that was before, but here goes nothing...

 Closer look at the bookcase
 Organization galore!!
 A home for my magazines!

Like I said we still have a lot to do, but so far so good!  Some things you may be wondering about
1. Yes my microwave is in my office.  Why you ask?  Because we don't use it much and I can't stand it taking up counter space in my kitchen!!
2. The "office" is also still home to my closet, hence the need for a random mirror on one wall
3. No I do not sew often, but I plan on it as soon as I brush up on sewing skills!
4. Grey Dog's crate was broken down and moved out!  He'll be 2 in a few weeks and I've heard that's the "magic age" for dogs...I'm hoping the crate can stay gone!
5.  My clock always stays at that time...

Here's a list of things that still need to be done:
- some type of drapes
- new rug
- wall decorations
- pretty the mirror
- new light fixture 
(don't scroll back to look at it, I didn't show it.  It's ugly and looks like it's straight out of a 1970's house.  It needs to go.)
- new lamps

So like I said, lots to do still, but I'm 100X happier with the "everything room" today then I was 2 days ago!

Holiday Travel

Hubs and I made a quick trip to Charlotte on Saturday to spend a little time with his Grandfather.  Apparently the Greensboro police thought it was a little too quick of a trip and gave us a nice Christmas present...
a speeding ticket.

I'm just glad I wasn't driving.
Fa la la la la

After a few hours of war stories and quality time with Grandaddy we hit the road back to Raleigh, but first a stop at Ikea!  (This took a tad bit of convincing on my part)  The trip was a success and I worked ALL day yesterday on my our office!  It's not completely done, but it is functional.  Unfortunately my camera died and I haven't had a chance to upload any pictures yet, so in the mean time I'll share some of the fun things we picked up at Ikea.

Friday, December 10, 2010

A winter favorite

Anybody who knows me also knows that I am constantly cold!  
(Thanks Mom...this is where a sarcastic font would come in handy)
Needless to say all the cold weather we've been having lately has been challenging, yet not unbearable thanks to a new favorite...
The faux-sheepskin throw from Pottery Barn

It is heavenly!!!
We received it as a wedding gift a few months ago and I've been waiting and waiting for the cold!!  I certainly put it to the test this past week though!  It is truly the coziest blanket I have EVER snuggled up in! 
If you're struggling with some final gift ideas and need a gift for someone who is cold natured, like myself, do not hesitate buying them this blanket!!!

Okay, now that I've shared one of my top Christmas gift ideas...does anybody have any suggestions for a Father-in-law who's life revolves around hunting and fishing????

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Next Project!

I'm just going to say next project will be my office!!

I feel like maybe if I put it in writing it will finally force myself to take care of that disaster awaiting me...and maybe you, my friends, will bug me enough asking if it's done that I'll feel peer pressure to complete it!

The room is our 3rd tiny bedroom.  It's used for a number of things...except a bedroom.  
Here's a few examples:

1. Storage
2. Grey dogs crate room
3. Storage
4. The microwave room
5. Linen Storage
6. My Closet
7. Storage
8. The Office

You get the point right?  I don't even have a picture of this room because I have convinced myself it doesn't exist for the past year, but it's time to face the music.  It needs a makeover...and I need an office!

Let the fun begin.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Gobble Gobble

It's that time again, what time you ask?
The most wonderful time of the year!!!

Although I'm sad to not be heading back to NJ for the holidays, I'm looking forward to my first big holiday married to my hubs and starting some new traditions!

Tomorrow's line up will consist of some of these:

A few hours of this:

And a whole lot of this:

(Mom, I know you're a little sad and I'll miss you lots but I'll call ya when the "big guy" crosses the screen
 so we can critique him together and kick off the holidays!  Love you!)

Oh, in case anybody is wondering who the big guy is...

Anybody else have any great holiday traditions each year?

Monday, November 22, 2010

A very smelly homecoming

We're back from the BVI's and had a fabulous time on our honeymoon!!  It was definitely worth the wait!!  Unfortunately Grey Dog got himself into a bit of a pickle while we were away...

You see, he enjoys chasing furry four legged creatures that are smaller than himself.  His favorites are bunny rabbits, squirrels, cats and last week we discovered a new one...SKUNKS!!!

Apparently Grey Dog was out for an early Monday morning duck hunt with my father in law when he decided to chase a furry creature through the woods and down a hole...low and behold it was a skunk who then sprayed the bejesus out of him!!  Thank goodness my in-laws bathed him about 5,324,323 times and he spent a few evening sleeping in the garage (which he deserved) and the smell has most definitely gotten better, unfortunately it still lingers.

If anybody has a secret to getting skunk smell off a dog (and don't tell me tomato juice, it doesn't work) then please, please, please let me know!!  This pathetic face needs your help!

(My nose needs your help too)

Friday, November 12, 2010

Honeymoon Take #2

Bon Voyage!!!!

Praying for no hurricane's this time around...

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Brow Convert

If you haven't tried eyebrow threading yet, DO IT!
Put down the wax, put down the tweezers and go to your nearest threading location!!

I have struggled with my eyebrows for years and finally found a decent brow chic a year or so ago.  Yesterday I about had a  heart attack when I tried making an appointment and heard those dreaded words
"oh I'm sorry, Jennifer has moved on"
I'm pretty sure I let out a long NOOOOOOOOO into the phone.  Reluctantly I made an appointment with Katie (or whatever her name was) but after thinking about it, quickly called back and canceled.  
So this morning I hit the internet and came across a plethora of rave reviews for a local eyebrow threading location.  There were even reviews from people on there that spoke my language.  
They usually sounded something like this:
"I'm from NYC and have struggled to find somebody to do my eyebrows, until I found Chandi's which is just as good if not better than having them done in New York"
If something has the patented northern transplant seal of approval, I'm usually game.  I decided to give Chandi's a whirl and I'm glad I did.  These Indian ladies know what's up!

The best part was when I went to pay...$7.00!!!!  You can hardly get a decent eye brow waxing for under $20.00 these days!  I guess they charge by the amount of hair they pull out since most brow waxers like to leave you looking like somebody drew your brows on with a thin pencil.

No more  pencil thin brows for me ladies, I'm a brow convert!!  No more waxing! It's threading for now on! 

***I have to give a shout out to my bff Roseanne for informing me all about threading.  We grew up together and she's a NYC gal now (all things considered) and usually keeps me up to speed on whats happening back at the mother land.  Thanks ROSE!!! 

Monday, November 8, 2010

Mirror Project Completed...Check!

I finally finished the mirror this past weekend....YAY!!
In case you missed it, you can see the start of the project here.

Last weekend I sanded the entire mirror and stained it.  I used minwax wood finish in a dark maple color I believe...but I'm not positive, and I'm not home so I can't check either.  If you're really interested just ask me.

I already wiped off the excess stain on the bottom piece of wood and had just applied the stain on the darker piece.  I let the stain sit for about 5-6 minutes before wiping it off with a clean rag.

We did almost have a catastrophe this weekend, we almost lost the whole thing on Saturday when it unexpectedly decided to rain!  Bryan, thinking he was being helpful, moved the mirror outdoors so I could work on it (while he golfed all day).  Thankfully I woke up before it got TOO wet and was able to throw my superman cape on and muscle it back inside by myself.  
The mirror only sustained minor injuries...I can't say the same for hubs.

I added two coats of polyurethane and sanded with a very fine grit sand paper between coats.  Here it is...


 I used a satin finish so it's not quite as glossy as it looks in these pictures.  I also used a small piece of trim to fill a gap on both sides of the mirror between the glass and wood. 

 I decided this is my favorite knot on it.  

I love it! 

Friday, November 5, 2010

I wist I may I wist I might...have the wist I wist tonight!!!

This might be one of the single greatest things I have EVER heard of! Hold onto your seats.

Here's the thing, I'm a list person...are you?  I make lists for just about EVERYTHING!  Traveling, grocery shopping, work lists, Christmas lists, things I want lists. 
It gets exhausting, really.
I also have learned that my husband can not read my's true ladies.  Men are not mind readers, nor psychics.  In fact, they're not even good at hints.  If you have a man in your life and you want something, there is only one way to ensure you get it...tell him!  This was a rather sad revelation for me because I LOVE surprises!
 I realized I had to change my ways though.  I started by first telling my girlfriends what was on my wish list, then telling hubs that he should "check with people, because people know things" and hoping he would check with the right people.  That didn't work out.  
Then I started telling "the people that know things" to offer up this advice and knowledge to hubs.  That worked better, but that was confusing and stressful.
Then I started sending hubs links to things that I *liked*.  Unbeknownst to me, he actually took it upon himself to create a "Kelly" file on his computer and save these things!!!  I was beyond ecstatic when my birthday came around and he bought me this fabulous Michael Kors watch I had been pining for!  
I was a proud wife.  
There are flaws in this approach however.  What if his computer crashes and he loses the "Kelly" file.  What if my computer crashes and I lose my wish list.  What if he goes shopping and forgets to take the list with him!  I'd probably end up with some new hunting gear and a gift set of duck calls.  Not okay.  

But as I was perusing my blog list today I came across Wists!!!  Huge thanks to Jamie at for bringing this to all of our attention!!  A wist is a...wait for wish list!!!  It's GENIUS!!!!!

All it takes is a few clicks of the mouse and you add another item to your Wist list!!!  
Bryan NEVER has to ask me again what I want.

The only question I have lingering right now is...

Happy Wisting!!!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

No such thing as an easy remodel

We are currently in the middle of our second bathroom remodel!  We tackled the master bathroom about a year ago after we discovered the previous homeowners (whom we love so) never included a shower pan under the beauteous plastic shower they installed. That was fun.  
Unfortunately I can't seem to find any decent "before" and "after" pics of that one.  My mistake!

So now we're in the middle of remodeling our second bathroom, thank the lord there are only two bathrooms in the house!!  Here is an example of what we started with on move in day:

As I've mentioned, Bryan isn't much for capturing before images.
I did a baby face lift a few months ago and it was at least presentable!

Another lovely fiberglass tub insert with many cracks and holes

There was a mirror but I had already taken it outI added the chair rail moulding and painted the wall on top and below two separate colors to break things up a bit.  We also painted the built in vanity.
Bryan wouldn't get out of my picture, so I decided to include this for embarrassment purposes.
 Two weekends ago we demo-ed the bathroom

Then we began to rebuild it
New tub in and subway tile getting started!

We raised the shower head and the extended the tile closer to the ceiling

Our good friend Will aka "my carpenter" does fantastic work!!  He installed this bead board moulding for us, which coincidentally works as a fantastic beverage holder as well.

It's a little difficult to see but the floor is tiled as well with a 12"x12" tile
Then we hit a road block...

The day I thought the job would be finished we ran into some technical difficulties.  The new fixtures would not fit the way the pipes had been set up for the fiberglass tub/shower.  AWESOME!!

Yes, that's a hole.

It went straight through the wall

Out to the hallway

Even Grey Dog was upset about it.
 So I guess we can say this was also Lesson #2 for the weekend...double check EVERYTHING.  Especially before installing tile.  

I am hoping to have a happy ending to this little project very soon...