Friday, January 27, 2012

28 Weeks...

And it's officially the third trimester, less than 3 months to go...
How the HELL did that happen?!?!?
I think what makes me the most uncomfortable about reaching this new milestone is that at some point I have to actually start thinking about the one fact I have been able to avoid thinking about up until this point...I actually have to give birth to this child!  No, indeed it will NOT miraculously appear on my lap one day at the hospital, but I actually do have to go through that whole labor process.  A process I have managed to put out of my mind up until this point.  
There is a part of me that wants to panic, but then my sensible side says "Kelly, millions of women have been doing this for thousands of years.  Stop being such a wus!"  
That, and the fact that there's only one way out of this situation...
Time to suck it up.  But really, I don't think I need to bother myself with thinking about it until at least April...or when my water breaks...

Stats of the Week 
Size of baby:  About 14.8 inches and 2 1/4 lbs...the size of a Chinese cabbage.  I didn't realize the Chinese had their own special cabbages.

What I miss:  Eating and not feeling like I'm going to explode.  I'm fine at breakfast, but by the time I get to dinner I'm usually wondering how I'm going to fit a morsel of food in my belly

Best Moment this week: Being able to actually see the baby moving around.  Sounds strange, but when I push on my belly now I can actually tell what is baby and what's not, or where the baby is hanging out.  Very strange but very cool too. 

What baby likes AKA cravings: Nothing crazy, but I'm still amazed when I go for "just a bite" of apple pie and then I finish the whole piece.  It could be worse I suppose...I could be finishing the whole pie!  My sweet tooth just keeps surprising me!  That and a bag of white cheddar popcorn from trader joes didn't stand a chance this past week...

Movement:  Lots, mostly at night.  It's like we get a little performance now in the early evening.  Only annoying if it keeps up when I lie down to go to sleep.

Sleep:  OK

Looking Forward to: Well I should be saying going to Aruba next week...but we're not going.  I guess this is the first "parental decision" we had to make, the first of many to come in our future!  You see, I made our Presidents Club list for 2011 and the trip is to Aruba this year.  TECHNICALLY I'm still in the time frame to travel, however neither Bryan or I were comfortable with the distance and how long the flight is, the fact that I'm in my third trimester etc.  On top of all that my comfort level hasn't been the best lately since I've been having some back pains and I would hate to get down there and not enjoy myself.  Basically, we made the best decision for us and declined the trip this year.  *Sigh*  Here's hoping we make it next year!!

Picture: Here's two for good measure.  Gunnar is starting to get more acquainted with his future brother or sister...we hope!


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

New House updates

I realize that all I have posted about recently is baby, baby and more baby...or complaining about the move. 
My appologies if that's getting boring and/or repetitive.

I did however manage to take a bunch of pictures of the house before we made any changes to it. Ok ok I had my mom take all the before pics but I wanted to make sure it was done!  I snapped a few quick "after" shots this past weekend that I figured I would go ahead and share.  Everything is still a work in progress, but at least you can see what a huge difference a little has paint made!  I'll start with the kitchen and dining room for now...and also because that's all I have after pictures of at the moment.  

Kitchen Before

 Kitchen Before

 Kitchen After

 Kitchen After
 Dining Room Before
 Dining Room Before

 Dining Room After
Dining Room After

We also started another project early this morning...
We're pretty sure it was the original roof from when the house was built in 1978...needless to say it needs to be replaced.  I was quite surprised when my doorbell rang at 7am this morning and they got right to work!  Gunnar is not thrilled about all the tarps being draped over the house, but he'll get over it. 

And that's where we are today!  
I'm hoping we may start another big project next week involving my favorite carpenter...I'll keep you posted!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

27 Weeks

Here I am...last week of the 2nd trimester.  The books aren't lying to you either when they say the 2nd trimester is the most comfortable, because the further along I get the less comfortable I am!  
I am slowly being able to shift my focus from HOUSE to BABY!  I even managed to get Bryan to go help pick out a rocker for the nursery this past weekend which his parents so kindly purchased for us!  I love it!!  Thank you Pottery Barn Kids (and Cobles)!

Bryan was also given this "fun" book by a friend of ours which he has thoroughly enjoyed reading
It contains all sorts of fun and interesting information.  It seems overnight Bryan has become a baby expert!  In fact he was coaching me last night on proper burping methods and some tricks of how to get them to "latch on" for feeding...neat!  Personally, this was one of my favorite parts of the book:

In all honesty though, I couldn't be happier that he is excited and enjoying reading up on all things baby!
OK, time for the updates!

Stats of the Week 
Size of baby:   14.5" and about 2lbs - like a head of cauliflower!!  Based on my weigh in at the Dr. yesterday I believe this baby is every ounce of 2 lbs.

What I miss:  Sushi, I'm back to sushi.  I can't wait till I can have a very large plate of sushi and a nice large glass of vino to go along with it!

Best Moment this week:  Picking out the rocker and scheduling the deliver of the crib.  I feel like I'm on my way to prepare for Baby Coble's arrival!

What baby likes AKA cravings:I'm trying to control my cravings a bit more and substitute with healthy foods like nuts and fruits, and cut back on the cookies and cakes!  Based on my last weigh in I feel like the weight can add up quickly towards the end if you let it!  Don't get me wrong, I still like to top off my dinner with a yummy milano cookie or some other form of sweet goodness!

Movement:  Regular, and a little stronger

Sleep:  Good for the most part, and I'm wanting more of it again!  I'm not real enthusiastic when I hear the alarm in the morning, but then again when have I ever been. 

Looking Forward to:  Getting my test results back from all the blood work at the Dr. yesterday

Picture: I tried to take one this morning before I left the house but it came out fuzzy, so I had Bryan take another at the office.  I'll just add both of them though for shitz and giggles

Thursday, January 12, 2012

26 Weeks

How am I already almost to the end of my 2nd trimester, it doesn't seem  possible!!  I'm guessing it's because I feel like I haven't sat down in over a month!  We certainly wasted NO time starting projects on the new house.  Here's some things we have accomplished so far (with lots of help, thanks mom and dad!!)
- Unpacked (almost) ALL our boxes
- fixed plumbing issues in two bathrooms
- cleared out about 2 years worth of leaves from the front and back yard
- changed out some light switches
- added new shelving to the linen closet upstairs
- Changed shelving and rods in master closet
- converted an old pantry to a coat closet
- converted an old nothing closet to the new pantry
- PAINTED just about every wall in our house
- painted the kitchen cabinets from an old knotty pine to a nice cream (like the old house)
- Painted the garage and patched holes
(side note, we didn't do the painting ourselves FYI.  Unfortunately the paint fumes also forced me to flee the house last night and have a little slumber at the Pino home.  Thanks for putting me up!)

Whew!  All that and we've only been in the house two weeks!!  We still have a few more projects lined up over the next week or two before we take a break and switch our focus back to baby preparation!!  I will get house pics up as soon as I get my act together!

Stats of the Week 
Size of baby:   14" or about 1 2/3 lbs.  About the size of a hothouse cucumber!  I've realized though the size and weight predicted varies on which publication you're reading.  These numbers come from each week.

What I miss:  Eating a full meal without feeling ridiculously uncomfortable!  It's like I'm full after 3 bites.  I'm understanding the need for frequent small meals now.

Best Moment this week:  Having some family and close friends in town and over the house this past weekend and everybody got to feel the baby moving around.  

What baby likes AKA cravings: Two nights ago it was blue box mac and cheese!!  I added sauteed spinach to it so that makes it healthy right!?!

Movement:  more often at night than in the morning 

Sleep:  OK but I think I need another pillow in bed

Looking Forward to: My Dr's appointment next week.  I have to do the gestational diabetes test and some other things and I want to get them over with!  Hopefully everything is going ok!

Picture: And again...forgot to take one today.  I'll work on it...

Friday, January 6, 2012

25 Weeks

So clearly I am few weeks behind here!  Between the holidays and all of our moving drama, keeping up with my weekly preggo updates just didn't make the cut!  I'll try to do better though!

Stats of the Week 
Size of baby:   13.5" about 1.5 lbs which is apparently the size of an average rutabaga...whatever that is!

What I miss:  sleeping on my stomach

Best Moment this week:  CLOSING ON OUR NEW HOUSE!!!  FINALLY!!!  I realize I should probably put something baby related here, but that was my best moment this week.  After all the baby is the main motivation that we bought the they kind of tie together right? 

What baby likes AKA cravings: Still on that damn sweet kick!  I have to confess, I actually bought a candy bar at the grocery store this past week while checking out!!!  To my defense, I only took a bite of it once I got in my car and that satisfied me, AND it was a snickers so it had peanuts in it which are healthy right!  Bryan saw it sitting in my cup holder later that night and was shocked to hear what I had done.  If you know me, then hearing I purchased a candy bar to eat on the spot is rather shocking.

Movement:  Pretty regular now.  I've actually enjoyed being back at work the past few days because I've been able to notice the movement more since I'm sitting still at my desk most of the day.  All the running around and moving we've been doing I had not noticed he/she moving much lately.   

Sleep:  Eh, just ok.  I wake up a lot during the night to either use the bathroom or adjust myself.  I'm understanding the need for lots of pillows in bed more and more!

(I deleted the size of mommy question, I'm pregnant...what do you think is happening each week!!)

Looking Forward to:Getting some projects done in the new house this weekend with my parents in town and having some bigger projects completed like painting and built ins etc.  OH, and going to register this weekend as well with my mom!  I'm actually really looking forward to that!

Picture: Ok here is a quick picture of me.  (I've been really bad at documenting on a regular basis so I had to ask Bryan to snap this real quick at the office) 
And I also want to share two beautiful new babies that arrived this week from two of my bestest friends!!  Congrats to Caitlin and Scott on their new daughter Olivia and Congrats to RoRo and Brad on their new DAUGHTER Hailey (we all thought it was going to be a boy!!)  Love you both!!
Olivia Davis Navarro
Hailey Rose Wilson