Charlotte Murphy Coble (AKA - Charlie) arrived on April 24, 2012 at 5:38pm weighing 7lbs 12oz and measuring 20.5" long.
She is pure perfection in our eyes!!!
Bryan and I arrived at the hospital at 7:30am to begin the process of induction. Everything went fairly smoothly for the most part...the epidural did take a little while to start working completely which made for an interesting hour or two, but once it fully kicked in we were smooth sailing.
One shock came when the doctor checked to see how far dilated I was (I was only 5cm about two hours earlier) and to all of our surprise he stated "oh, you're at 10cm!! Time to push!"
I'm pretty sure I turned to Bryan at that moment and said "I'm not sure if I'm mentally prepared for this quite yet!" But I had no choice, she was ready!
Side note: The doctor that was on call, Dr. McKenzie, was one of my favorites so we were very happy to see him that morning!
We pushed for about an hour. We all took one last guess as to the sex towards the end and me, Bryan, our nurse and Dr. McKenzie all guessed Boy! A few pushes later, out came baby and right in front of my face she appeared and I said "oh my God, it's a girl!!"
We couldn't be happier! Bryan is over the moon and SO SO SO excited to have a daughter! He has said to me a few times "I'm so glad it was a girl". Charlie and I are already scheming on how to get daddy to buy us nice things :)
So, we have just been adjusting to our new life at home with 3, I mean 4. Gunnar is adjusting too. My mom was here for a week which was a blessing! She was more help than she'll ever know! Now today Bryan is back at work, mom has gone home and it's just Charlie girl and myself!
We're getting ready to go on a little walk so I'll end with some pictures for now, which I know is what everybody really wants to see! I'll do my best to keep updating often, but time does slip away from me easily these days!